Ecuador has the most species of birds in the world- 1700- in a country the size of Colorado. One of my life goals was to see a quetzal, so first here is the Golden-headed Quetzal, which we saw in the cloud forest calmly eating a piece of fruit. Next is the crazy long-tailed Squirrel Cuckoo, a bird that thinks it's a squirrel and leaps about from branch to branch. Third is the Rufous Antpitta, a lovely bird that appears as gentle as a plover. Also here are super common birds including the Great Thrush, as abundant as our American Robin, and three colorful birds from the tropical lowlands that we only saw in captivity in the Andes. My sample of the 125 species we saw is called "other birds," with hummingbirds in a separate post.
Write a comment
Helô (Tuesday, 26 February 2013 19:42)
Beautiful colors some of them have!
Pat (Thursday, 28 February 2013 14:31)
Thanks, Wendy, for the beautiful photos. I love them all, but especially the hummingbirds!